5 Principles of the New Sexual Morality – Alistair Roberts lays out 5 principles of the new sexual and relational morality. You need to understand this to understand the great shift happening around us today.
How the Sun Sees You – This is a fascinating video that demonstrates how the sun sees you.
Balancing Authority and Wisdom – H.B. Charles Jr. offers wisdom on how to balance authority and wisdom as a guest preacher. Because these things can go way wrong.
To Date or Not to Date? – Aimee Byrd reflects on an article that has been making the rounds the past few days–an article suggesting that courtship just hasn’t worked.
Robin Williams’ Most Uncomfortable Role – There are some insightful comments in this article: “It’s tempting to think that Robin Williams could have been lifted out of a state of despondency if only he had been able to read all the Twitter comments praising his amazing career as a great actor. Yet this would not be a safe assumption.”
J’adore Paris – These timelapse videos are starting to get a little repetitive, but this one, displaying the beauty of Paris, offers a few tricks and surprises. (Don’t miss the footage after the credits.)
Child Labour Crisis – This is a brilliant bit of satire.
A Technology Fast. Kind of. – John Dyer makes some insightful observations about technology in this article.