God Does Not View Your Labors as ‘Filthy Rags’ – “What does God think of our good works after we are saved? Here, unfortunately, Christians often receive mixed messages. Somewhere along the way we have begun to believe that our pride is best held in check, and God’s grace is most magnified, when we denigrate all our efforts and all our labors as merely ‘filthy rags’ in the sight of God.”
Don’t Look Down on Me – This video is worth watching. In it, a little person displays some of his challenges.
Two Gardens – J.D. Greear has been doing some good blogging lately, and this article is no exception.
Christian Sexual Morality in a Same-Sex Marriage Future – “Churchgoing Christians who support same-sex marriage are more likely to think pornography, cohabitation, hook-ups, adultery, polyamory, and abortion are acceptable. And it’s reasonable to expect continued change in more permissive directions.”
10 Tips for Christian Leaders – Here are 10 social media tips for Christian leaders who don’t want to be self-promoting jerks.
When Dad Is Dying – Megan Best has helpful counsel for those end-of-life decisions.