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A La Carte (August 13)

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I just want to reiterate, as I do from time to time, what a blessing it is to have access to so many great blogs and websites. We are spoiled to have so many people who are willing to put in the effort of writing and allow us to read it for free. It is a joy to collect some of the best of it day by day.

The highlight of today’s Kindle deals is Kris Lundgaard’s tremendous trio of books The Enemy Within, The Devoted Mind, and The Glorious Christ. Each is highly recommended (though if you get just one, make it The Enemy Within).

(Yesterday on the blog: Unqualified and Unwilling)

How (And How Not) to Talk With Your Kids About Sexuality

Andrew and Christian Walker have some helpful guidance here on talking with your kids about sexuality. (This is related to their excellent new book What Do I Say When…? which I plan to review later this week.)

The Meaning of “Weird”

Jake Meador looks at the recent charges of “weird” being leveled at J.D. Vance and shows that they may not mean what you think they mean. “The right to autonomy is the sacrosanct right in American life. Thus practicing that right in a way that doesn’t harm anyone is not ‘weird’; what is “weird” is infringing on someone else’s autonomy. So if a biologically male nuclear engineer wants to dress as a woman, the attitude of most Americans will be ‘hey, you do you.’ That isn’t ‘weird’ in their eyes.”

20 Biblical Motivations for Pursuing Holiness

Kevin DeYoung offers 20 biblical motivations for pursuing holiness.

How Churches Can Support Christian Teachers in Public Schools

I appreciate this one from Andrea Mathews. I also appreciate the work of Christian teachers in public schools. “Brothers and sisters, it’s true public schools can be dark places. But our Savior is described as a light that darkness cannot overcome. As his ambassadors, may we resolve to fan the flames of our brothers and sisters carrying Christ’s light in their classrooms so many may believe in him and behold his glory.”

Should We Ever Speak Directly to the Devil?

Are there ever times we should speak directly to the devil? John Piper provides a helpful answer here. “May the Lord give us wisdom not to overemphasize the presence and danger of the devil and demons, and not to underemphasize the presence and the danger of devils and demons. That’s what I’m going to try to do — strike that balance…”

Ordinary Heroes

Brooks Buser celebrates some ordinary heroes. “I sat in the back with the pastors and some families of these missionary candidates. Speakers got up and talked through hostage and kidnapping policies, the stress that is coming on the children in the coming days as they land overseas, and the great price that will be extracted from them to see the gospel to the ends of the earth.”

Flashback: Why We Love to Read

We read to discover that prize. We read to learn, and we read to live.

It is not our eye on him which is our great protection, but his eye on us.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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