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A La Carte (August 12)


Good morning. May the Lord bless and keep you throughout this day.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Great Stores of God’s Provision)

Perfect Courtesy Toward All in the Worst of Times

This is important stuff. “In Titus 3:1 Paul tells Titus to remind his flocks of seven important Christian virtues. Their need to be reminded implies a tendency to forget. Apparently, top-to-bottom cultural corruption creates a need for repeated conscience re-calibration. While we might not be in such ugly times now, the message Paul didn’t want the Christians in Crete to forget is one God also doesn’t want local churches today to forget.”

The Significance of the Sinlessness of Jesus

Nick Batzig: “Our redemption rests upon Christ’s sinless life and substitutionary death. When we see the corruption of our minds, hearts, and wills, we must look at the One who knew no sin and yet was made sin for us.”

Register Now for Getty Music Sing! In Christ Alone Conference

Only weeks remain to register for the Getty’s Sing! In Christ Alone Conference. Join trusted expositors and inspiring artists for three days of deep theology, timeless artistry, and rich congregational hymn singing and build a biblical framework and artistic vision for worship in your church or homes. Use code CHALLIES to save 30% on all remaining tickets. (Sponsored)

How The Immune System ACTUALLY Works (Video)

This is a neat little video about the human immune system.

Leave the Noise and Listen to God

It is good to be silent before the Lord and meditate upon his Word. “Silence is hard to find. Can you remember the last time you were around complete silence?”

Build the Pastoral Muscle of Compartmentalization

Erik Raymond: “I’ve observed a common trait among pastors able to maintain stability even when sailing through the choppy waters of ministry. These guys have learned how to compartmentalize.”

Soul Care Is Slow Care

“When asked, ‘What is a pastor?’ I’m supposed to answer something like this: a pastor is a gospel influencer who mobilizes people for mission by leveraging platforms capable of building a kingdom momentum that can fuel a gospel movement for God in our generation.” But…

Flashback: Why Satan Is No Friend of the Family

If family truly comes from the mind of God and plays such an essential role in his world, don’t you think this explains why there are so many attacks on the family?

Ah, the shame, the pain, the gall, the bitterness, the horror, the hell that the sight of sin, when its dress is taken off, will raise in poor souls!

—Thomas Brooks

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