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A La Carte (August 12)


Today’s Kindle deals include a few books from Crossway as well as some other solid picks.

(Yesterday on the blog: How We Worshipped One Sunday in August)

9 Things You Should Know about the Manson Family Cult

By now you know how to identify a Joe Carter article. “This week marks the fiftieth anniversary of the gruesome Tate-LaBianca Murders, which were carried out by a group that has become known as the Manson Family. The killings in the summer of 1969 had a transformative effect on America.”

Lamentation upon the Occasion of Another Christian Apostacizing

No, it’s not the one you’re thinking of. “He is like the rich young ruler, languidly stretching back in the Galilean sun, squinting his eyes at Jesus, and wondering what on earth the big deal is. He is the whole world who strains a gnat to swallow a camel, who forfeits his soul in a night because he can’t be bothered to wonder about the person he’s been singing about all these years.”

American With No Medical Training Ran Center For Malnourished Ugandan Kids. 105 Died

I guess we should see this as a cautionary tale about missions done wrong. “How could a young American with no medical training even contemplate caring for critically ill children in a foreign country? To understand, it helps to know that the place where Bach set up her operation — the city of Jinja — had already become a hub of American volunteerism by the time she arrived.”

The Posture of Prayer: A Look at How Buddhists Pray

This article may be helpful to you as you seek to better understand your friends or neighbors. “When we as Christians say the word prayer, we often think of a conversation we have publicly or privately with God where we praise him, thank him, and make supplications. In other faiths, prayer has a different function and form depending on the religion, culture, and belief of the worshiper…”

You Have To Know How To Land the Plane

Yes, you do! Here are some tips on ending a sermon well.

The Story Behind the Best-Known Local Jingle in America

I drove through Buffalo a couple of days ago and saw quite a number of Cellino & Barnes signs, and they reminded me of this article.

Famed Yale Computer Science Professor Quits Believing Darwin’s Theories

I have been hearing or reading quite a number of accounts of people who are realizing Darwin’s theories just don’t hold up. “Religion is imparted, more than anything else, by the parents to the children,” he said. “And young people are brought up as little Darwinists. Kids I see running around New Haven are all Darwinists. … The students in my class, they’re all Darwinsts. I am not hopeful.”

Flashback: Redoubling Failing Efforts

When his efforts led to failure, he simply redoubled his failing efforts. He might wipe those tablets clean, but they too would do nothing more than highlight his inability to wipe himself clean. His efforts at self-salvation would ultimately, inevitably prove futile.

Our kids don’t need perfect parents. They need parents who know how desperately they need the Savior themselves.

—Paul Tautges

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