Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
If you like to collect complete series of books, today’s Kindle deals from Crossway are right up your alley. Additionally, the whole Word Biblical Commentaries series is on sale. Some of the volumes that are most commonly recommended by discerning scholars are those on Genesis, Leviticus, Ruth & Esther, Galatians, Ephesians, Thessalonians, the Pastoral Epistles, and Hebrews. (All deals are scheduled to be available early Monday.)
(Yesterday on the blog: The Bibleiest Christians)
The Lord’s Mercies in the Midst of Grief
“Miscarried. It’s such a small word that encompasses so much. Any parents who have lost a child in this way know that this word does very little to capture the physical and emotional impact of the loss of life. Miscarriage is too tidy a word for the blood and tears that come. These little ones are dearly loved all the more for being so small. They are so special, and they are gone too soon into the arms of our heavenly Father.”
Why Many New Pastors Don’t Survive Their First Five Years
Michael Krahn explains why many new pastors don’t survive the first five years of ministry. “Preparing to enter vocational ministry is an exciting adventure. You feel a sense of calling – a strong desire to pursue a path filled with meaning and fulfilment. You’re going to get paid to do what you’ve been trained to do, and what you’ve been trained to do is also what you love to do. What could go wrong? Plenty, as every experienced pastor knows.”
Creating a Church Culture of Evangelism
J.A. Medders and Doug Logan have co-written a new resource for churches to help them cultivate a culture that reaches the lost with the gospel. Get 25% off with code SOULWIN. (Sponsored Link)
Richard Dawkins Is Sad
Stephen McAlpine tells how Richard Dawkins is beginning to reap what he has sown. “There was a time when Dawkins could envisage a world of open inquiry – once those pesky religious people pipped down – in which all viewpoints about reality would be discussed in the public square rationally and using scientific argument. Classic liberalism would win the day! Yet, sadly – indeed saddest of all for Richards Dawkins – is this moment today.”
Biblical Lists of Sins in Reverse
The Bible includes several lists of sins. This article helps us understand those sins by reversing them.
Embrace the World’s Miraculous Absurdity
Chris Martin: “If we consider existence in the universe apart from the Creator, it feels beyond absurd. The number of coincidences that must combine to yield life on earth, let alone whatever else may be out there, is unfathomable.”
Stories for My Little Friends: The Inspiring Story of Andrew Foster
Phil Hunt has been writing some stories for his little friends, but grownups will enjoy this one as well.
Flashback: Why Satan Is No Friend of the Family
If family truly comes from the mind of God and plays such an essential role in his world, don’t you think this explains why there are so many attacks on the family? It’s pretty clear that Satan is going to be no friend of the family.