Today’s Kindle deals include titles by Keller, Mohler, Perkins, and the Babylon Bee.
(Yesterday on the blog: Meatless, Cheeseless, Crustless Pizza and the Evangelical Church)
“Your Will Be Done”: Powerful Not Pathetic
Praying “your will be done” is not some kind of admission of defeat. It “is not pathetic or pedestrian, it is powerful and purposeful. And it is something solid upon which we can confidently rest, now and always.”
Fear Your Fear of Man
That’s sound counsel: fear your fear of man. “If we knew how dangerous the fear of man really is, we might fear men less and fear our fears more. Other sins have beset me in my walk with Christ over the years, but few have so consistently eluded my radar like this one.”
One Way to Tell the New Testament Is True (Video)
Sometimes proof of the Bible’s authenticity is hiding in plain sight.
Manners for Social Media in Polarized Times
Jim Elliff is in fine form with this one, the first of a few articles yesterday that warn us about our words. “Christian friends, we must be careful to watch our heart and our words. Have we adopted the spirit of the age? Most of the time our family and social media friends can get along without our condescending viewpoint. Is all our careless ranting displaying the glory and beauty of Christ? Surely it is time to change.”
The War of Words
“It’s funny that we still call the media we use ‘social.’ Every time I pick up my phone to look at my timeline, I am bombarded with foreboding war-time pronouncements. The battle lines are drawn, and the soldiers picked their weapons. Words are the weapons for this war, and the battle is fierce. Loud shouts about systemic racism, sexual freedom, politics, and disease are the main content of our timelines.”
Causing Little Ones to Stumble
Hmm. “What about when our little ones go online? We know there is all manner of toxic and sinful material being produced by non-Christians online, and we warn about the danger of children being exposed to those things. But do we ever consider the danger of young Christians being exposed to the behavior of other Christians online? What happens when they witness hypocritical behavior there? How often do these little ones observe online the Christian adults they respect engaging in slander, gossip, backbiting, dishonesty, cursing, lying, grumbling, and mocking?”
There is a new issue of Themelios, TGC’s theological journal, available to download or read online.
Flashback: The New/Old Way Our Culture Pressures Us To Conform
We need to let people know that Jesus Christ has provided all we need to stand before him with boldness and confidence even when we are judged dishonorable in the eyes of society.