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A La Carte (August 1)

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This month’s free book from Logos is Creation and Fall, from the works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer; free from ChristianAudio is Anna and the King of Siam.

Westminster Books is giving you a $5 coupon, good for anything in the store, if you watch a 5-minute video (about a product that looks really good).

Emotional Bullying – Emotional bullying is not an effective means of leading children to Christ.

Should You Wait Until You Can Afford Kids? – We are told that we should wait to have kids until we can afford them. Is that sound counsel?

The Five Strangest Rules in Baseball – This one is for the sports fan.

Fact-Check the Sermon – “Preachers love to drop statistics and historical tidbits into their sermons. Too bad so many of their facts are untrue.”

Bring Back the Holy Kiss – Food for thought. (R.C. Sproul says the same thing in his excellent book A Taste of Heaven.)


We belong to Jesus because He has purchased us by His blood. He will not return or exchange what He has bought.

—Anthony Carter

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