Baseball Is Life – An oldie but a goodie from Tim Siedell. “Just like life itself, baseball is boring. Amazingly, stupendously boring.” Which is why we love it so…
What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? – You’d do well to read this new book from Kevin DeYoung. And, as it happens, it’s on sale right now…
iOS Reading Hack for Efficiency – Here’s a helpful little iOS hack for those who love to read.
In Her Shoes – Christine Hoover: “I ask you today, as I’ve done before, to take a walk in another woman’s shoes: a Christian woman who’s had an abortion.”
The Trinity, The Assembly, and Sweet Potatoes – Does God still speak propositionally today outside of Scripture?
Thanks for Raising the Man of My Dreams – “Your mother-in-law responds to love, she desires appreciation, and she loves her son with every bit of fierceness with which you love him.”