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A La Carte (April 8)

Why International Adoptions by Americans Have Hit a 35-Year Low

“In 2004, Americans adopted 22,884 children from foreign countries—an all-time high. Twelve years later, that number has dropped to 5,648 children—the lowest level in 35 years, according to recently released statistics from the US State Department on fiscal year 2015 (Oct. 1, 2014 to Sept. 30, 2015). The sharp decline isn’t limited to the United States; global adoptions to the top 24 receiving countries dropped by 75 percent during the same 12 years.”

Faithful Preachers are Forgetful Preachers

H.B. Charles has some wisdom for preachers (and everyone else) about the value of a certain kind of forgetfulness.

Keeping the Faith in A Faithless Age

Al Mohler: “The church has no right to follow the secular siren call toward moral revisionism and politically correct positions on the issues of the day.”

How Many Heartbeats Do You Have Left?

Have you ever considered how many heart beats you have in your lifetime? BBC Earth’s Maddie Moate explains.

Safe Schools, Gender Non-Conformity, and Common Sense

Kevin DeYoung shares a letter he wrote to The Michigan Department of Education.

This Day in 1939. 77 years ago today, John Frame was born. You can wish Dr. Frame a Happy Birthday on Twitter!

When an Unbeliever Dies

This is good counsel on offering genuine comfort when an unbeliever dies.

Do You Really Need Email on Your Phone?

It’s worth considering.


Heavenly doctrines should always be adorned with a heavenly life.

—Thomas Brooks

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