Together for the Gospel – The Together for the Gospel conference begins today, which is why I’m on my way to Louisville right now. You can watch it live beginning this afternoon.
English is Crazy – Yes it is. This poem explains.
31 Days of Purity Ebook – If you want to have the 31 Days of Purity in ebook format, visit the link and have at it.
Inerrant Word – InerrantWord is a new web site from John MacArthur dedicated to the always-important subject of inerrancy. It is part of the lead-up to next year’s Shepherds’ Conference Summit on Inerrancy.
Whisperings – Here is some counsel for pastors and church leaders who find themselves the subject of gossip.
Fall in Love Again – This is a good one from Paul Tripp.
Stop Forgiving Those Who Don’t Want Forgiveness – David writes about those who say they forgive others, even when they don’t want forgiveness. “I understand the motive, and also the desire to present an attractive witness about Christian forgiveness to the world. But it’s not a faithful witness to God. It does not reflect how God forgives, which is to be our pattern and model. Here’s why: God does not forgive those who do not want forgiveness.”
Scanning and Skimming – You’ll want to give this one a quick skim. “Serious reading takes a hit from online scanning and skimming, researchers say.” I put it at the end of today’s links just to make you feel guilty…