Good morning from northern Cambodia. However you plan to spend your Good Friday, may it be a day of many blessings.
I’m doing my best to keep up with Kindle deals even on an internet connection that’s substantially slower than I am accustomed to!
The Crucifixion Stories Are Embarrassing, and That’s a Good Thing
This explains why the embarrassing nature of some of the stories around Jesus’ crucifixion are actually a good thing for Christianity.
Is It Worth It?
“Here’s a question that’s important for us Christians to answer regularly: Is it worth fighting a battle that you’re not winning and may not win? Let’s imagine the different arcs of life where this question may apply.”
What Are Legalism and Antinomianism?
These terms are used a lot and it’s important to know what they actually mean (and don’t mean).
What Does It Really Mean to Be Like Jesus?
Chris Hutchison: “Christians know that being like Jesus is a good idea. We’ve probably all heard someone express a desire, or encourage others, to ‘be Christ-like.’ But what do we mean by that?”
So That They May Be Saved
“If your neighbor ends up going to heaven, what will be the cause?” It is good to think about this from time to time.
Speaking Truth to Fear from Covenant Presbyterian in Nashville
Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra reports from Nashville in the aftermath of the great tragedy there.
Flashback: The Best Tool for the Job
He could plow the field himself, or he could use a donkey—both of these would be economical options. But by investing in the ox, he will soon see abundance. Why? Because the ox is the best tool for the job. The ox is the wisest investment.