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A La Carte (April 7)


Grace and peace to you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Joy of Forgetting What You Need To Remember)

An Open Letter to the Christian Disheartened by Ongoing Temptation

You may appreciate this letter from D.A. Carson and John Woodbridge.

What Exactly Does 1 Timothy 2:12 Teach?

“Applying 1 Timothy 2:12 in the local church setting is tricky: ‘I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.’ What exactly does Paul not permit?” Robert Yarbrough offers a response to the question.

How To Turn A Clique Inside Out

“Cliques. They’re awful, aren’t they? We love to hate them (probably because we feel like they hate us). They’re easy targets for our criticism, all selfish and exclusive and proud, and who do they think they are treating other people like they don’t matter and barely exist at all? Cliques are bad. That is, until we’re in them.”

Sinclair Ferguson: Live at 7:30 p.m. EST

Sinclair Ferguson will be live with Ligonier Ministries this evening at 7:30 PM. He’ll be answering biblical and theological questions submitted live.

Fighting Flat

“Part of our challenge as preachers is to fight flatness in our preaching. This could be in terms of delivery, structure, or content. Perhaps you would add more areas too.” This article may help preachers understand and combat “flatness.”

Triggers and Tender Mercies

I’ve been blessed to read Donna Evans’ blog as she grieves the loss of her son James Bruce. In this article she writes about triggers that catch her off guard.

Flashback: The Best Tool for the Job

…the danger of thriftiness is that it can easily tip into stinginess. (Of course, in the same way, free spending can tip into a profligacy.) We can elevate the joy of finding an item at a low cost, while overlooking that this low cost may necessitate low quality.

Our perverse mistake is that we demand that God shall explain Himself at every step, instead of waiting for Him to unfold His intricate purposes at His own time and in His own way.

—Theodore Cuyler

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