Good morning! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.
On sale at Westminster Books this week are books for pastors and their wives.
Today’s Kindle deals include a big collection of titles from Eerdmans.
What Is “Body Positivity”?
Janie Cheaney takes a look at some of the kids’ books meant to teach about body positivity. “Last year saw a slew of body-positive books in children’s publishing, and they’re still coming: picture books, fiction, and nonfiction. All of them have certain similarities, and noticeable omissions.”
A Runner in a Race
This article explores some of what’s caught up in the biblical metaphor of life as a race.
How Does Ultrasound Work? (Video)
Videos like this are just about at my level!
Suffering and Satan’s Purposes
“Satan has purposes for your life. Satan has intentions for your suffering. When you face suffering, remember that the enemy intends to use your suffering to draw you away from God.”
5 Patterns of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Kevin DeYoung: “While the Old Testament doesn’t mean to give us explicit instructions about men and women in the church, the Old Testament does show us a lot about men and women in general, and these patterns ought to shape how we think of sexual differentiation and complementarity in life and ministry. Here are five such patterns…”
Blessing Can Become a Curse
Experience proves this true. “Some of the darkest, most irresistible temptations come in the wake of blessing. As we enjoy some provision or breakthrough or triumph, whether in life, or work, or ministry, our spiritual defenses often come down. We might coast. We may begin neglecting disciplines and relationships that have kept us close to and dependent on Jesus.”
The Blank Card
It somehow took me a month to realize that Paul had written an article about Nick on his birthday. I was blessed to read it and thought you might want to as well.
Flashback: The Best Tool for the Job
The farmer, like you and me, is completely dependent upon his tools. If he wants abundance, if he wants to be the best farmer he can be, he will need good tools