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A La Carte (April 7)

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Love and Hate in a Foreign Country – There are some good lines in Carl Trueman’s latest article as he focuses on the RFRA protests of last week.

Married Men – Here’s an interesting one from The Washington Post: “Marriage has a transformative effect on adult behavior, emotional health, and financial well-being—particularly for men.”

Hassles and Joys – “Great risks, long journeys, government sabotage, official informants, chaotic crowds, packed halls, and fervent prayers: Welcome to a Christian training conference in Hong Kong.”

The Dead End of Sexual Sin – Rosaria Butterfield: “Unbelievers don’t ‘struggle’ with same-sex attraction. I didn’t. My love for women came with nary a struggle at all.”

Young Mothers, You Need Friends – Yes, you do, and especially in those years when friendships are hard to maintain.

How Does God Define Success? – Probably not the way you do.


I am certain that the safest way to defend your character is never to say a word about it.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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