Today’s Kindle deals include some really solid theological resources (like all five volumes of Reformed Dogmatics by Geerhardus Vos).
(Yesterday on the blog: How To Grow in Self-Confidence)
New: ESV Scripture Journals
You may be interested in these new ESV Scripture Journals, which “pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of the biblical text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture.” There’s one for each book of the NT. (Here’s a video to learn more.)
The Herculaneum Scrolls
What a neat story from 60 Minutes! “Scholars believe the damaged scrolls of Herculaneum could contain lost works of Greek philosophy, Roman poetry, or early Christian writings.” (Thomas Kidd comments briefly here.)
Is Civil Disobedience Biblical? (Video)
Dr. Matthew Hall answers this question in Honest Answers.
2018 Christian Book Award Finalists
ECPA has released the list of finalists for their annual book awards. I am pleasantly surprised by how many solid books have been nominated!
It Only Takes One
“Sometimes believers mistakenly conclude that God is stricter and more swift to bring judgment in the Old Testament era than He is in the New. This is, in part, an understandable conclusion. There is a sense in which God’s judgments seem to be suspended on account of the atoning death of Jesus. One might even go so far as to make the argument that common grace flows globally in the New Covenant era–more so than it even did in the Old–since God is sending the message of the Gospel to the nations in these last days.”
Let’s Rethink Our Language of ‘Calling’
Greg Handley talks about the need for care when applying the language of “calling”. He argues that language “moves us away from clear revelation to some other necessary experience.”
Safe, Comfortable, and Unhappy: Finding Life by Overcoming Fear
“Cowardice repulses us. Central to the human condition is the impulse to celebrate heroes, and despise cowards. As one human body, we exalt those who live with courage and honor, and together we decry those who have the power to rescue but do not.”
Flashback: A Quiz on the Atonement
How well do you know the doctrine of the atonement? This quiz is designed to help you find out.