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A La Carte (April 4)

Today’s Kindle deals include lots of good stuff! There is a massive list of good material on sale (and much more to come).

Logos has a list of current deals for those who are interested in expanding their library a little.

(Yesterday on the blog: Beating Facebook’s Algorithm and Being Your Own Curator )

4 Ways Christians Should Share Their Faith That Are Actually Effective

Matt Chandler: “In a time so confusing, so transient, so difficult, God is calling us to be bold and strong—to have courage. He will accomplish His purposes. He will carry out His mission. And He is inviting us to join Him in making disciples of Jesus Christ among all tribes, tongues and nations despite the social climate. Though our world is changing, our purpose hasn’t.” What does that look like today? He explains…

On Kingdom Seeking and Stuff: A Personal Reflection

Lisa Robinson writes to encourage singles to pursue Christ above every other pursuit and desire. I very much enjoyed reading this one!

9 Things You Should Know About the Rajneeshees

“The new Netflix documentary Wild Wild Country has reignited interest in the Rajneeshees, a religious sect that committed, as former Oregon Attorney General Dave Frohnmayer said, ‘the most significant crimes of their kind in the history of the United States’.” Joe Carter rounds up some info about them. (Be sure to check reviews before watching the series as it apparently contains a fair bit of objectionable content.)

Special Needs Kids Don’t Need Special Parents

Diane Kim writes, “When my son was diagnosed with autism, I thought God had picked the wrong mom. Then I remembered Moses. … Does it require a special person to raise a child with special needs? No. It only requires a humble faith in an extraordinary God. In his sovereignty, God saw fit to assign our unique child to us. Personalized gifts are ineligible for return or exchange.”

You Are Going to See God

“We will see God. Think about that. We are going to see God—you are going to see God. You, Mr. or Ms. Ordinary, are actually, in reality, going to stand before God and see Him for yourself. We say this truth with our words all the time, but I don’t think we really see it in our future like we see that tomorrow we’ll go to work and see our co-workers. Sure, we think about other people seeing God, but think hard about this: One day, it will be your turn. You. Not someone else.”

Where Did the Pope Come From? The Rise of the Roman Pontiff

Ever wonder where the idea of a pope came from? This article walks you through the history behind the papacy.

Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, April 2018

Here’s a roundup of the articles from the current issue of Tabletalk. All of these are free to read online.

Flashback: Always Reforming: Diversity and the Reformed Resurgence

Of the 63 keynote slots across the conferences I polled, 61 are filled by whites and 2 are filled by non-whites—in this case, both African-Americans. There is greater racial representation in breakout sessions and in conferences that follow alternative formats, but when it comes to keynote addresses, we see little racial diversity.

Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone but in every leaf of springtime.

—Martin Luther

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