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A La Carte (April 4)

Today’s Kindle deals include another solid list with books by Sproul, MacArthur, and James White among others.

Westminster Books has a deal on the new Study Guide for Visual Theology.

Logos users will want to take a look at the 70% off deals for various works by Douglas Moo.

The Judgment of the Believer

Sam Storms lists 10 things you ought to know about the judgment of the believer.

Why Bargain Travel Sites May No Longer Be Bargains

You’ll want to read this if you’re starting to plan some vacations or other travel. In short, “You can pat yourself on the back clicking around, looking for a cheap hotel room or a great airfare. But it might be better to resort to an old technology: Just pick up the phone and call the front desk.”

Praying Together

Writing for Tabletalk, Megan Hill puts out the call to be a praying people.

Old Books

Darryl Dash lauds the reading of old books: “Continue to read new books, but find some old books that have stood the test of time. Treasure them. Struggle through them. Look for ancient treasures, and surface them for today. We could all benefit by reading old books.”

Being Professional in Ministry

I appreciate what Nick Batzig says here: “The problem of professionalism in ministry is endemic to those living under the influence of the American dream–in a business and marketing driven society where money rather than Christ is King. … Nevertheless, I have often thought that a complementary volume–bearing the title, Brothers, We Could Be a Little More Professional–might be in order for some.”

African Traditional Religion Keeps Them Poor

Stacey tells of the religion she sees on the mission field and how it impoverishes the people there in every way.

The Hypergrace of Joseph Prince

From time to time someone asks me about Joseph Prince. I haven’t ever read his books, so appreciate this review posted at The Gospel Coalition Australia.

Flashback: Christian Celebrity and the Conference Culture

The conference culture revolves around celebrity speakers so that the biggest conferences are the ones with the greatest number of the most popular celebrity preachers. In many cases conference planners choose a theme and then bring in as many of our favorite preachers as they can to speak on that theme. The more of these speakers they can get, the greater the attendance. The math is simple.

We measure worship by how we feel as we worship. True worship is measured by what God thinks about our worship.

—Kevin DeYoung

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