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A La Carte (April 29)

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Pope Francis, TMZ, And Sainthood – “The only thing worse than celebrity culture, is celebrity culture in the church.” There are some great reflections on celebrities and celebrityism in this article.

The Future of Protestantism – “Should the shape of Protestant theology and the Protestant consciousness still be determined by the Reformation’s reaction to Roman Catholicism?” You may want to log in at 7 PM PST to watch this dialog. It looks absolutely fascinating.

March for Life 2014 – If you are in the Ottawa area, you may be interested in coming to the 2014 March for Life. I will speak, then there will be some pro-life training, and then there will be the march to Parliament Hill.

6 Types of Grace – Paul Tripp describes six different types of grace.

What Would Jesus Say to the LGBT Community? – I appreciate this attempt at suggesting what Jesus might say to the LGBT community.

A Gosnell Movie – Owen Strachan wants you to know about a proposed, crowdfunded film on Kermit Gosnell.


Those who give much without sacrifice are reckoned as having given little.

—Erwin Lutzer

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