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A La Carte (April 28)

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Can Blessings Be a Trial? – “Do you find yourself in the midst of blessings? Your marriage is strong. Your children seem to coast along. Everything is going well at work. Your health is decent. Finances are sufficient to pay the bills. Friendships seem to be easy and fun. Overall, life is going your way and you couldn’t be happier. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?”

Game of Thrones – I’m probably kind of a geek, but I enjoyed this longform article on air travel. Even though we all hate air travel.

In Australia – I am going to be in Australia in a couple of weeks (in both Sydney and Perth). If you’re down under, it would be great to meet you. The link has some of the places I’ll be.

Should We Speak of Gay Christians? – Owen Strachan asks whether we should speak of gay Christians.

God’s Not Dead – Here’s an interesting comparison of the movie God’s Not Dead to real life. It highlights what was probably my chief concern with the film.

Welcoming Autism – I love to hear of churches that are welcoming to those with special needs. Here’s an article on welcoming autism into your church.

Jesus Lived for You – R.C. Sproul explains that Jesus did not only die for you, but also lived for you.


Let those be thy choicest companions who have made Christ their chief companion.

—Thomas Brooks

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