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A La Carte (April 27)

I wasn’t able to track down any intriguing Kindle deals today. I’ll try again tomorrow.

(Yesterday on the blog: Christian, Are You Growing in Wisdom and Maturity?)

When Mom called me “Sis”

I quite enjoyed this moving article. “Mom had plenty of her own sisters. She didn’t need me to be one of them. I never fully understood. In fact my aunts were one reason I wanted a sister. Mom told me stories about growing up with girls in her family.”

My Young Friend Wants to Be a Missionary: Here’s the Advice I Gave When He Asked

“What a thrill! What a privilege to plant seeds for missions into this boy’s heart. I prayed for him and about his question for a couple weeks. I wrote his mom an email last night with some ideas. I thought I’d share them here with you, that the Lord may use them in the life of another who may be feeling prompted towards a future on the mission field.

How Do You Control 1.4 Billion People?

China’s new social credit system has to be one of the most significant technological developments in human history. It’s hard to overestimate its potential significance in the lives of 1.4 billion people.

Can a True Christian Have Depression? (Video)

Dr. Jeremy Pierre answers on behalf of Southern Seminary.

The Gospel for Single Moms

Wendy Alsup: “In a nation in which sex and childbirth outside of marriage are the growing norm, churches and Christian leaders rightly want to emphasize the wisdom of the institution of marriage that God designed and ordained as a picture of His relationship with the Church. Yet, many women like me find themselves fully valuing that institution, and still left, nonetheless, without it as they raise their children.”

The Limits of 1 Timothy 2:11-12

Here’s a thoughtful take on the limits of 1 Timothy 2:11-12: “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” (See here for a different approach.)

Passages from the Bible Discovered Behind Qur’an Manuscript

This is rather interesting and also seems kind of symbolic. “The only recorded palimpsest in which a Christian text has been effaced to make way for the Islamic holy text is to go on sale at Christie’s…”

Flashback: Seven Ways To Pray for Your Prayer Life

These are seven items you can add to your prayer list as you consider your own prayer life or another person’s.

Be convinced of the utter insufficiency and inability of anything below Christ Jesus to minister relief to your soul.

—Matthew Mead

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