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A La Carte (April 27)

Today’s Kindle deals include three books. The highlight is Ed Shaw’s excellent work on same-sex attraction.

Logos users, don’t forget that I’ve worked with Logos to put together a curated list of excellent NT commentaries.

11 Reasons for a Weekly Service Review

Jeff Lacine lists “11 reasons why you should consider starting a weekly service review at your church, and four cautions to keep in mind if you do.”

FlightLapse (Video)

I suppose I’d prefer the pilot to focus on flying rather than shooting video. But still, this is a neat video of a pilot’s view of the Milky Way.

The Movie Date That Solidified J.R.R. Tolkien’s Hatred of Walt Disney

Wouldn’t it have been fun to be a fly on the while as Tolkien and Lewis watched that movie together?

Praying Over the Music

Megan Hill writes about distraction in our worship services. “If we always exercise with a playlist and await our restaurant meal with a video, we naturally expect sensory accompaniments to follow us to worship. And when it comes to the singular, quiet, unspectacular, and seemingly-sedentary activity of corporate prayer, we may reflexively seek something else to augment our experience.”

Keep Looking (Video)

You may enjoy John Piper’s take on Louis Agassiz and his fish.

Sister, You Can Do Hard Things

Amy Gannett has one for women: “I’m not saying that Bible study is easy. I’m not saying that it doesn’t require a learning curve or a good amount of time and effort. I don’t believe that it comes easily to most, and my personal experience says that it takes a lot of persistence and practice. Studying the Bible is not necessarily and easy task, but, sister, you can do hard things.”

Is Jesus’ Submission to the Father Eternal? (Video)

Professor Blair Smith of Reformed Theological Seminary answers this question.

53 People in the Bible Confirmed Archaeologically

These people “mentioned in the Bible have been identified in the archaeological record. Their names appear in inscriptions written during the period described by the Bible and in most instances during or quite close to the lifetime of the person identified.”

Flashback: The Man on the Moon

I recently found myself thinking, “I wish I could be involved in something that significant.” And then I thought of one of the great and enduring privileges that is mine as a Christian.

So many are looking for special revelation from God while it sits on their shelves gathering dust.

—Burk Parsons

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