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A La Carte (April 27)

If You’ve Cheated, Should You Tell Your Spouse?

“Adultery is devastating. In the aftermath of an adulterous affair, the offending spouse must first turn away from sin through repentance before God. But after such repentance takes place, there’s another question that has to be answered: Should you confess the adultery to your spouse?” Russell Moore answers.

Should Christians Cremate Their Loved Ones?

John Piper: “My proposal in this article is that Christian churches be willing to help families financially with simple Christ-exalting funerals and burials, so that no Christian is drawn to cremation because it’s cheaper.”

Edwards and Interpreting Providence

Thomas Kidd writes about Jonathan Edwards and interpreting providence.

Whatever you think of Bethel Church, I suspect you’ll be interested in this longform article from Christianity Today.

Home Row

Yesterday I was a guest on Home Row, Jeff Medders’ podcast about writing. I really enjoyed the conversation!

Love & Bragging

There are lots of good takeaways in this article. “The last thing that makes sense is for a human—something which can’t go a few days without food and water, gets sick, smells, uses the restroom, sins, can do nothing to get itself to heaven, deserves hell, has to spend 1/3 of its life sleeping, and then be buried in the ground—to brag.”

He Will Hold Me Fast

Southern Seminary’s Norton Hall Band sings a sweet rendition of “He Will Hold Me Fast.”

This Day in 1667. 349 years ago today, at age 58, English poet John Milton sold the copyright to his religious epic “Paradise Lost” for ten English pounds (less than $30). *

The Spirituality of Snoopy

I enjoyed this article on the spirituality of Charles Schulz.

Themelios 41.1

There’s a new edition of Themelios available. You can read it on the site or download it to read later.


By definition we cannot “qualify” for grace in any way, by any means, or through any action.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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