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A La Carte (April 25)

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But What About Gluttony? – Kevin DeYoung: “Why do conservative Christians make such a fuss about homosexuality and give everyone a free pass—most notably themselves—when it comes to gluttony? That’s a question you hear a lot of us these days and one you should expect to hear again and again, posed in a hundred different ways, in the years ahead.”

Owen’s Classics – Westminster Books has two John Owen classics on sale. I can’t think of too many books that have had a bigger and longer-lasting impact on me than Overcoming Sin & Temptation.

Liberating Our Teens – “Our teens need to have a biblical understanding of sex in order to navigate the challenges that await them in college…”

Jesus Is Better Than Porn – In a short video, Jimmy Needham talks about his battle against addiction and the truth that saved his life.

A Spiritual Family Tree – Jason Helopoulos: “What does your family tree look like? I am not so concerned about your biological family tree. Frankly, that is of very little interest to me. I’m interested in your spiritual family tree.”

50 Phrases that Came from Shakespeare – Here are 50 phrases you use that came from Shakespeare.


The only true reformation is that which emanates from the Word of God.

—J.H. Merle d’Aubigne

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