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A La Carte (April 24)


Today’s Kindle deals include some pretty good titles. Also, the AmazonClassics Editions of may classic works of literature are discounted now, mostly down to free. You can find the list here and browse for them by their distinctive book covers.

Remember that I’m reading an encouraging book and inviting you to join me. You can find details here.

No Path to Normalcy

Writing for WORLD, Joel Belz writes about some concerns with the return to normalcy. For example, “The very path being proposed to ‘open’ our nation for business smacks of socialism. It supposes there are people smart enough to lead us out of the fix we’re in. But why do we imagine that the best way to untangle the mess is to do the same thing over again?”

She Dares to Hope

This is a moving piece. “We stood there together. Wind howling and the women silent. With each fresh layer of dirt that covered the casket, a sigh of grief from her. Again, and again. She is not new to grief, but this feels like a final weight.”

What Your Church Must Know Before Reopening Your Building

Lifeway has put together a congregational survey that may help you learn about the concerns of your congregation when it comes to recommencing worship services. “Church leaders are free to print the document and mail it to their congregants, email the Word file to them, or freely distribute the questionnaire in any other means as needed. Once you’ve gathered the results, you can determine what the best course of action for your church is with the confidence that you know the perspective of your congregation.”

The Gnosticism of Legalism

Stephen Kneale says “When legalism rears its head, gnosticism is usually lurking around somewhere.” Why? Because “there is a strong dualistic tendency that very often paints ‘spiritual’ things as good and ‘worldly’ things as bad.”

How ‘Social Distancing’ Can Get Lost in Translation

The term “social distancing” has quickly entered (and dominated) our vocabulary. But the term doesn’t translate into every other language. Here is how the concept is being taught in other cultures.

The Loggerhead Shrike’s Gory Deeds

There are some strange creatures in the world, like the Loggerhead Shrike, a bird that impales its victims on thorns or barbed wire. Here’s a fascinating but gory gallery of its misdeeds.

Is This the End of Airbnb?

Obviously the hospitality industry has been as heavily hit as any. Will Airbnb survive? This article shows how so much of Airbnb is dominated by big companies and how they may drag it down.

Flashback: Young People and the Hundred Pushup Challenge of Life

They’ll never have more time to waste or less personal accountability than they do right now. I know how easy they’ve got it compared to what’s awaiting them. But I also know that they are only just starting out in the “hundred pushup challenge” of life.

Every day, God gives us the gift of being able to climb into bed and leave everything in his hands. Sleep is incredibly humbling—and therefore incredibly glorifying to the God who never sleeps.

—Geoff Robson

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