Retweeting Compliments – Nathan Bingham: “The question of whether it is acceptable to retweet compliments on Twitter is nothing new and quite an old question in terms of internet years.” Should a Christian retweet compliments others pay him?
Bart Ehrman’s Latest – Here’s a long but enlightening article on Bart Ehrman, focusing on his latest book.
A Historical Adam – Nathaniel Claiborne is blogging his way through Four Views on the Historical Adam. Reading the series is a good way to orient yourself in the debate. (Hey, Nathaniel, how about linking each post to the ones that came before/after it?)
Cell vs Virus – This is so simply done that even I can begin to understand it.
You Can’t Claim a Promise – Barnabas Piper tells you why you can’t claim a promise.
Worship in the Inconvenience – In this article at True Woman, Susanna writes “Most of life as a mother is worshiping when circumstances are inconvenient.” Ain’t that the truth. “I read the Bible while my baby is tugging at my feet and my three-year-old is wanting my lap. I pray broken sentences in the car while there is arguing in the back seat, and I want to yell for quiet.”
A Testimony to God’s Goodness – David Murray calls this one of the most powerful testimonies to God’s goodness he’s ever heard. It’s an encouraging one.