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A La Carte (April 22)


Today’s Kindle deals include a nice little collection that even has a couple for the scholars or pastors.


Andrea says “It’s time to dust off my planner. To seek new ways to enrich my life and be a blessing to others. The world is changing. Will I stubbornly insist that it return to the old ways, or be open to something new?”

What Are Common Misconceptions about Roman Catholicism? (Video)

Leonardo de Chirico is the right man to ask.

The Christian Faith Is Not Based on the Evidence for the Resurrection

This is a key distinction. “In considering the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus, it is important to avoid giving the impression that the Christian faith is based on the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection. The Christian faith is based on the event of the resurrection. It is not based on the evidence for the resurrection.”

More and More

I expect you can identify with Glenna in this. “This is what God desires for every believer: to become more and more like Jesus. And this is what He will accomplish.It’s slow-going, though, isn’t it? Sometimes I turn out the light at the end of the day, pull the comforter up to my chin, and think, ‘Today felt like less and less like Jesus, not more and more.’”

Why Do We Confess If Our Sins Are Already Forgiven?

John Piper answers the very common question of why we would need to confess if we’ve already been forgiven.

Stray Thoughts from Isolation

Barbara Harper: “How often I have wished for a cleared schedule in order to get more done. But, somehow, I wasn’t getting much done besides the bare everyday tasks. Over the weeks I’ve seen people mention a strange lethargy, malaise, ennui, brain fog. Many of us are having trouble getting our minds in gear for long or for anything deep. I think this state of mind is probably due to several things.”

Fjords (Video)

If you need a brief escape, enjoy this film which highlights Norway’s fjords. (In theory, I am supposed to visit Norway this fall! I am very hopeful that trip will still work out.)

Flashback: We Are All Theologians

We can’t truly know God or live for God until we know the facts God gives us about himself. Which is to say, we can’t truly know God as he is or live for God as he desires as long as we reject or downplay theology.

My prayers—whether I pray, how much I pray, about what I pray—reveal my priorities. And they reveal how much I really think I need God, or whether I am, deep down, in fact self-assured and self-righteous.

—Alistair Begg

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