The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.
New at Westminster Books this week is a sale on a book from Kevin DeYoung meant for younger people.
There’s an eclectic little mix of Kindle deals today.
Four Common (and Unhelpful) Responses to the Exclusivity of Christ
“The most offensive part of the gospel, and the most common objection to Christianity proper, is the idea that there is only one way to God: Jesus. It’s offensive because it seems arrogant, bigoted, and narrow-minded. The claim is often met with one of four common and unhelpful responses. They might sound legitimate, but they aren’t. Here’s why.”
Truth in a Culture of Noise
“We are a people clamoring to be heard, but when the flood of voices drowns their own, many people will raise their pitch and resort to all kinds of hyperbole to gain an audience. Even journalists have degraded their profession by using misleading headlines to coax us into clicking their links. From politicians to personal trainers, it seems few are immune.” So true…
“We had never prayed so much before,” shared Lyena, a Ukrainian woman whose home was destroyed in the war. “I had never read the Psalms so thoughtfully before. It was the encouragement that brought tears of gratitude and joy. I realized that only when you walk through the valley of mortal darkness, you learn to completely trust God, and then you are not afraid, because the Lord is with you.” (Sponsored Link)
Truthful Witness and the Transgender Debate
Trevin Wax compares two different ways Christians can respond to the contemporary transgender debate. “We may wish to change the subject, but what’s the point in discussing the failures of the church to women in the past if we’re unable to even define what a woman is in the present? And as much as we might yearn for constructive dialogue about these matters, it should be clear by now that gender activists aren’t looking for conversation. Their goal is conquest…”
Radical Christian Gentleness in an Era of Addictive Outrage
George Marsden is eager for Christians to recover some of the wisdom of Jonathan Edwards. “In a striking, but too often neglected, passage in Religious Affections, Edwards insists an essential trait of any true Christian is ‘the lamblike, dovelike spirit and temper of Jesus Christ.’ He presents this point as nothing less than a fundamental of the faith.”
Hey Remember: There are Christian Schools and there are “Christian” Schools
Whether in Australia or elsewhere, it’s important to distinguish between Christian schools and “Christian” schools.
Raw Passion and Messy Missiology: A Tribute to George Verwer (1938–2023)
“One of my heroes died on April 14, 2023. His personal and global influence was inestimable.” John Piper pays tribute to George Verwer.
Flashback: One Very Good Reason to Study Church History
You have become a citizen of something with a present and a future, but also a past. And your ability to glorify God in the present and future requires knowing that past.