Grace and peace to you today!
When Martyn Lloyd-Jones Confronted a Pastor Who Loved Controversy and Denunciation
This is an interesting description of a key meeting between Martyn Lloyd-Jones and T.T. Shields.
Beware the Deadly Weed of Cynicism
Darryl Dash: “When I was in my thirties, I became cynical. I think it began with reading some books that were critical of church. I’m not sure. Soon I became a critic of the church while leading a church. I called it subversive back then; I think I’d call it disingenous now.”
Why Circumcision?
Barry York offers a biological yet also biblical definition of circumcision, then considers “three chief reasons why God Himself chose this crass act to represent beautiful truths of the gospel.”
God Detests the Worship of the Wicked
We may have sympathy for those who worship falsely. But, as Jordan Standridge points out here, God detests false worship. “The fact of the matter is that God from the creation of the world, rejects people’s worship. Even when they use the right words and do the right things. God looks at the heart.”
Beauty of Timing
“On a drive. After rain. Mist and fog still hang in the air. Limiting the view ahead. But our eyes glance to the sides of the road. And we see. The beauty of timing.”
Themelios 46.1
There is a new issue of Themelios available for those who are interested in doing some reading.
How Do I Know If I Am Called To The Ministry? (Video)
This question is very common, so here’s another take on it, this one from Dr. Mike Allen at RTS.
Flashback: One Very Good Reason to Study Church History
When you became a Christian, the history of Christianity became yours. You became a citizen of Christ’s kingdom and gained its past in all its glory and shame.