Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles that will be of interest if you’re into church history. You’ll find most people’s #1 pick for a church history overview at a great price.
Paul Remembered Mary
“Paul remembered Mary and how hard she worked. In Romans 16:6, Paul requested that a particular Mary would be recognized for her service. Paul had remembered her diligent work for the glory of God. It apparently made an impression on him.”
This Is About That (Video)
What a great little video explaining a biblical perspective on marriage.
Defining Doctors Down
“The doctor’s role is increasingly that of a highly trained ‘service provider,’ whose job is to provide the patient with data to make informed choices and then perform all requested procedures. In this deprofessionalized milieu, many within the medical and bioethics intelligentsia argue that a doctor’s moral judgment—’medical conscience,’ as it is sometimes known—has no place at the bedside.”
Russia Bans Jehovah’s Witnesses as Extremists
This is very interesting news from Russia. It strikes me that we ought to pray, but that I’m not exactly sure how to pray! I suppose “thy will be done” is never wrong.
Hipster Church
This article on a “hipster church” was featured in Toronto Life magazine. I found it fascinating (and disheartening) to read people’s explanations as to why they attend this church.
What the NY Times Gets Wrong about Complementarianism
The New York Times ran an article about complementarianism and, not surprisingly, they butchered it.
Luther is a new film about the life of the great Reformer. It’s very well done.
Do Paul and James Disagree on Justification by Faith Alone?
You know they don’t, but it’s good to be reminded how and why we know this.
Flashback: A Cost Of All This Preaching?
So here’s the question: Do you commit yourself to the public reading of Scripture? Do you read it in your church, even if you cannot explain it at the time? Do you read it in your home, with your family, even if you do not have a lot of opportunity to explain and apply it?