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A La Carte (April 21)

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The Moral Majority Is No More – Owen Strachan writes about the infamous Millennials. “How, exactly, will Millennial Christians—in a jaded generation but not of it—engage with politics, with the public square? The way Millennials answer this question will play a vital role in the public prospects of Christianity in America and the West.”

The iPad Is a Tease – If you’re interested in technology, you may enjoy this article about the iPad and how it, and other tablets, may have peaked largely because they can’t possibly live up to the hype.

Walking Through Depression – Randy Alcorn discusses his battles with depression.

Honey Badger Houdini – This is a fun little video from the BBC.

Secular Humanism Depends On Christianity – “Theo Hobson, in the British Spectator, critiques the New Atheist insistence that we can have morality–indeed, a better morality–apart from religion. In doing so, he shows that even today’s secular humanist morality, which the atheists take as axiomatic, actually derives from Christianity.”

A Faith That Fights – Aimee Bird: “Christians are disciples, and therefore by definition, we are disciplined. … By using the illustration of a Grecian Olympic fighter, the preacher to the Hebrews teaches us that part of our discipline in the Christian life is conditioning. We need practice.”


The first sign of spiritual life is to feel that you are dead!

—Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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