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A La Carte (April 2)


We have had some great days for Kindle deals lately, and the trend continues today. Meanwhile, if you prefer print, Westminster Books is offering discounts on items related to the Psalms.

(Yesterday on the blog: 10 Church Members God Especially Calls Me To Love)

Until We Meet Again

Students and parents will appreciate this letter from a headmaster. “We are living through incredible times. So much so, that our schools have closed to nearly all of their pupils without any of us knowing when we will meet again. Here are twelve pieces of advice from me, a headmaster, to you, my pupils, for you to take away and hold onto during the tumultuous months ahead.”

Coronavirus Is Not the Flu (Video)

This little video from Vox explains how and why coronavirus can’t be directly compared to the flu. (Also see this chart which displays the top 15 daily average causes of death in the U.S.)

It Takes Theology to Lament

Mark Vroegop writes about the importance of sound theology when it comes to genuinely Christian lament.

You’re Probably Doing It Wrong: Tips for Speaking to a Camera

Those who are preaching or otherwise leading while looking into a camera may want to check out these useful tips for doing it well.

Sorting Through Our COVID Anxieties

Brad Hambrick helps us sort through different kind of anxieties. Here’s a great tip: “Replace ‘what if’ with ‘even if’ and identify the relevant attributes of God that would be relevant. For example, instead of thinking, ‘What if I lose my job’ replace that with, ‘Even if I lose my job God will still be faithful and has given me a church family to walk through those times.’” (See also 7 “Tips of the Trade” for Biblical Counseling Via Video Conferencing.)

What If Psalm 131 Wasn’t True?

Justin Taylor shows how David Powlison turned a psalm around to show how we are prone to act when we are not trusting and resting in the Lord.

What Was God’s Purpose in the Cross?

No one is better at this stuff than R.C.!

Flashback: 7 Things a Good Dad Says

I have found myself thinking back to the many models of fatherhood I have seen and admired through the years. What made these fathers admirable? What set them apart? What was it that they said to their children?

To genuinely be “true to self,” you need to be true to who you are as an image-bearer of God. You will only find a lasting sense of meaning in honoring the original of whom you are an image.

—Matt Fuller

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