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A La Carte (April 2)


Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books. Also, Christian Audio is giving away Lecrae’s Unashamed, no strings attached.

(Yesterday on the blog: Imagine All Those Eyes…)

A Two-Fold Forgiveness

“How are we to reconcile the biblical truth that God has already pardoned all the sins of believers in the death of Jesus and that Scripture holds out the hope of forgiveness to those who live in the continual act of confessing their sin to God? The answer is found in the distinction between legal and paternal forgiveness.”

Why Men and Women Can—and Must—Work Together

“Here are a few thoughts on striking the right balance between having appropriate boundaries and incorporating healthy work and ministry practices—and developing meaningful friendships.”

The Enduring Value of the Conference in the Internet Age

Trevin Wax tells why conferences still matter…

Does Modesty Matter Anymore?

“Like all gospel-driven principles, modesty cuts against the grain of our modern sensibilities. And yes, I think it is dangerous to regulate what constitutes ‘modesty’ and then enforce it. As cultural norms of external beauty shift with time and culture, so also will a sense of what is ‘modest’. So I think it is good for us to exercise a sense of Christian freedom in this matter.”

What Judges Teaches the Church

“It seems incredible that it could happen. Only a generation after Joshua, Israel no longer knew the Lord. How is such a development possible? This is a very important question, not just for the ancient Israelites, but for us. Churches, too, have seen sudden decline from one generation to another. How can we understand and prevent this kind of calamity?”

You Believe the Prosperity Gospel

Jared Wilson: “Here are 4 ways ordinary evangelicals like you and me sometimes fall prey to a kind of prosperity gospel in our thinking…”

Law of Liberty

Here’s another interesting take on what transpired at Liberty a few days ago. “In this moment at Liberty in Lynchburg, Va., Peterson seemed to feel the weight of those who have come to look to him as a kind of savior, perhaps because he offers wisdom that resonates but doesn’t always satisfy. When Nasser later asked Peterson how he could pray for him, Peterson teared up. He said he doesn’t want to pay “an undue price” for the mistakes he knows he will make as he continues to try to go good in the world.”

Flashback: The Way the World Works

The world only works when life is held as precious. Each of us wants to live more than we want to die. We are overwhelmed by the longing to not die, and consumed with the desire to go on living.

The decay of the church is never the fault of the world. Inward spiritual decline always precedes outward collapse.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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