Good morning. Grace and peace to you.
I added a massive list of Christian and general market Kindle deals yesterday and will scour the options again today.
Logos is having a Base Package Sale this month with up to 25% off. You’ll also want to be sure to look at their free and nearly free books as well as their deal on books and commentaries from P&R (which, of course, includes the excellent Reformed Expository Commentary series).
(Yesterday on the blog: Why Do You Do What You Do (And Not Something Else)?)
Social Media Poisoning
Melissa considers the messaging of social media for young and not-so-young alike. “Everywhere I go on social media … I am bombarded with evidence that I should be dissatisfied with my hair, my face (especially my eyes, my lips, my skin, my forehead), my neck, my breasts, my belly, my legs, and even the rough spots on my feet. Every day that I engage with social media is a day that I will face critiques in my own mind and heart literally from head to toe. As a Christian, I can’t begin to explain how disorienting, discouraging, distracting, and disappointing that this is day in and day out.”
What About the Abused Spouse’s Sin?
This article deals with an issue that can be confusing: What do you do about the sin of a person who is being abused? “Sin will always be present on both sides when you minister to a couple caught in cycles of abuse. Human beings sin, and suffering at the hands of someone else does not render you less of a sinner than the rest of humanity. It’s easy to fall into the trap of ‘mutualization’ or ‘equalization’.”
Truth in the Age of Deception
“Here we sit in 2024, with reality being questioned all around us. We, too, are desperate for a ‘Constant’ to discern what’s true from what’s false, what’s life-giving from that which seeks to mutilate body and soul.”
In a Scrolling World, Are We Numb to the Resurrection’s Shock?
Brett McCracken asks some good questions. “Why are we numb to the resurrection’s shock and seemingly bored by history’s biggest event? Why does the headline ‘Billions worship a man who rose from the dead and ascended to heaven’ seem like old news that barely registers as a trending topic? Here are a few theories…”
How Can the Church Serve Families Touched by Autism?
“According to Autism Speaks, the non-profit research and awareness organization, 2.7 percent of children and 2.2 percent of adults in the United States have autism. So, in a church of just 200, at least two children and two adults probably have autism. Your church probably has autistic brothers and sisters attending. Do you know their names?”
Christ’s Resurrection Is the Amen of His Promises
Randy Alcorn: “Ironically, there are believers who would die rather than deny the resurrection, yet they don’t understand or believe what the doctrine of the resurrection actually means! Despite the centrality of the resurrection in Scripture and church history, many of them have never been clearly taught its meaning, so they imagine they’ll live forever in a disembodied state made for angels. But this viewpoint is self-contradictory. A nonphysical resurrection is like a sunless sunrise. There’s no such thing. Resurrection means we will have bodies! If we didn’t have bodies, we wouldn’t be resurrected.”
Flashback: Always Read the Story to the End
We sometimes encounter providences that make us believe the book has been closed and all has been lost. Yet when we are pressed, we must not think we have been crushed, but believe that God can still bring about a great redemption.