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A La Carte (April 19)


There’s a nice little list of Kindle deals for you to go through today if you’re into that kind of thing.

Remembering My Passion for my Husband

It can be hard to remember, feel, or enact the passion of the early years of marriage. “I assumed it would always be there, but now, the fear creeps in and the self-doubt begins. Why is this so hard? Shouldn’t this just be there? Shouldn’t I want to be with my husband? Why do we only talk about the kids or the house? I’m just so tired, but that never used to matter.”

The 1 Thing I’d Say to Christians about Politics and Public Life

I’m not American (though I am, as it happens, heading to America today), but still believe there’s lots of value in this article. “I could say that it doesn’t behoove us to get caught up in the circumambient imbecility of our day, the tribalizing, polarizing, mocking, insulting, insincere, cynical political engagement modeled by radio hosts, TV pundits, and political candidates. Instead, we should cut our own wake, modeling the same combination of truth and grace exhibited by our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Winter into Spring

This little observation may prove useful to people whose churches are in world cities or in cities that receive students from overseas. “So young people from such backgrounds arrive at university with a shaky faith (if any) and a tenuous attachment to church. Reaching out to such students in their early days is vital if they are not going to be lost altogether.”

Epidemic Tracker

Here’s a fascinating little utility that tracks epidemics around the world.

What Hour Was Jesus Crucified? Resolving an Apparent Bible Contradiction

Justin Taylor: “To answer this, we have to review some basics about how ‘time’ was thought of in the first-century Mediterranean world. If we don’t, it is easy to become anachronistic and to import or insist upon levels of precision that were not in operation in the original context.”

The Cable That United The World (Video)

There is some interesting resonance between the dawn of the telegraph and the dawn of the internet.

Jesus Became a Curse for Us

This is one of my favorite all-time bits of writing/speaking from R.C. Sproul.

Flashback: Practical Advice for Family Devotions

So, do it, keep it simple, at least initially. You can add later, but keep it simple initially and just keep doing it for 18 or 20 years and see the Lord work through the preaching of His Word and through prayer.

Jesus Christ our Lord surrendered in order that He might win; He destroyed His enemies by dying for them and conquered death by allowing death to conquer Him.

—A.W. Tozer

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