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A La Carte (April 19)

Today’s Kindle deals include a few deals that are worth a quick look.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Best Argument for Using a Printed Bible)

Why You Should Study Theology

There are some good arguments here for making it your practice to study theology. “Sound doctrine is good for followers of Jesus. We need to know the truth, which means we must study the truth.”

What We Miss When We Skip the Prophets

Don’t skip the prophets! “Aside from missing out on a fifth of God’s word, here are five specific treasures we miss when we consistently neglect the reading and study of the prophets. (These are not all features exclusive to the prophets, but they appear in most of the prophetic books.)”

This College Professor Gives Her Students Extra Credit For Going on Dates

At first glance this seems like a strange idea, but the professor’s reasoning makes sense in light of the current climate. “To many college students, meeting for a cup of coffee and sober conversation with someone you’re interested in on a Sunday afternoon can feel more intimate than getting naked with them on a Friday night.”

Are Mega Churches Biblical? (Video)

Are mega churches biblical? Can a church ever be too big? Dr. Hershael York answers in Honest Answers.

Why There’s No Such Thing as African Christianity

This is a very interesting one from Conrad Mbewe. “Every generation has philosophical winds that blow across the landscape of a nation or even an entire continent. These winds often begin from an epicenter of suffering and bring about a different way of looking at life. Africa has had its fair share of these winds, and as a result missionary efforts here have had to deal with them. One question that combines the philosophical winds blowing in Africa with the world of missions is this: ‘Are we African Christians or Christians in Africa?’”

Upside-Down Catfish Doesn’t Care What You Think (Video)

“You might suppose this catfish is sick, or just confused. But swimming belly-up actually helps it camouflage and breathe better than its right-side-up cousins.” Weird.

A Time to Listen, A Time to Speak

Gabriel Williams writes, “In recent days, social media has been inundated with podcasts, articles, and videos in which individuals have sought to speak to the issues surrounding ethnic tensions and relations. While there has been much controversy, there has also been growing hostility and contention regarding ethnic strife within American conservative evangelical churches. In this post, I wish to briefly address those who may be reticent about discussing this topic publicly.”

Flashback: A World of Misery at My Very Door: A Story

Today I want to tell a story. It’s not my story, though I do make a couple of brief appearances along the way. It’s actually a story about a church, and if it’s a story about a church, it must first be a story about Jesus.

Corporate worship is designed to lure you away from your little kingdom of one and enthrall you again with God’s kingdom of glory and grace.

—Paul Tripp

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