It’s not much of a day for Kindle deals, but we’ll press on and try again tomorrow.
(Yesterday on the blog: We Murder Babies)
Pastors Are Special
Jared Wilson: “Now that I’m not a pastor, I have taken seriously one of my ministerial goals in serving pastors and advocating for pastors. To that end, if you’re one of those who thinks pastors whine too much and work too little, I want to share with you some reasons you may not have considered that pastoral work really is different.”
5-star Phonies: Inside the Fake Amazon Review Complex
Reviews matter, but perhaps they aren’t always as trustworthy as we’d like to think. This author “spent two weeks in the underbelly of Amazon’s fake review economy — and emerged questioning our collective trust in the stars.”
450+ Free eBooks at Monergism listed alphabetically by author (sponsored)
Before you purchase more eBooks for your digital library, you may want to first check out who now has published over 450 free eBooks for your Kindle, smart phone or tablet (in multiple formats) There is enough quality biblical literature and theology to last you for many years to come. The eBooks are high quality and each has an actively linked table of contents. The collection includes authors such as Louis Berkhof, J. Gresham Machan, B. B. Warfield. Richard Sibbes, Martin Luther, Augustine, John Newton, John Owen, John Calvin, and many more. There is even instructions how to easily upload an eBook to your Kindle.
How Can I Explain the Gospel?
Vaneetha Rendall Risner provides a creative and clarifying way to explain the gospel.
An Antiracism Glossary – Whiteness
You may have heard the term “whiteness” used in recent discussions related to social justice and racial reconciliation. This is a helpful primer that explains how it is used and how some of those uses ought to concern us. It also proposes more helpful alternatives to convey similar meaning. (See also Denny Burk’s comments.)
A Letter to the Grandparents of My Third Culture Kids
This is a moving reflection on the sacrifices asked of grandparents when their grandchildren grow up on the mission field.
How Many Americans Actually Identify as LGBT?
Most people believe the number is far higher than is actually the case. “A recent Gallup survey found the average American believes 23% of the population identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.” Yet the reality is just a fraction of that.
Digital Addiction Getting You Down? Try an Analog Cure
This seems like something we’d all do well to try. “The positive effect of returning to these analog activities is so pronounced that I’ve come to think of this strategy like a magic pill of sorts for curing the low-grade anxiety and existential aimlessness that define our culture of constant connection. This effect seemed particularly powerful for young people who have never known life without an accompanying screen. Like sleep and exercise, this analog cure seems to have few downsides, and its benefits compound.”
Flashback: Bring Her Out and Let Her Be Burned
From a great distance and with the scantest information we can judge another person’s least transgression. Yet we can rack our own hearts and minds and often barely come up with a single way we are anything less than perfect.