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A La Carte (April 16)

A La Carte Collection cover image

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a few new options for collectors. Among them is Michael Wittmer’s excellent Urban Legends of Theology.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Night Is Far Gone)

Why I Went Cold Turkey on Political Theology

This is a really good article with a really good point to make. “We are responsible for the fields of our lives, for the tending of their soil and for the seeds that we plant within them. Unless we are vigilant in weeding our lives, in taking care over the seeds planted within them, and in inspecting what each seed yields, it may not take long for our entire characters to be overrun by error or made barren and fruitless.”

Courage For Those With Unfatherly Fathers

Lara has a sweet article for those whose fathers may have been unfatherly. “This is our Heavenly Father. Though our earthly dads were meant to reflect him, he in no way mirrors them. Take courage, and run with abandon to the open arms of your Father. He is not like the great mighty stars piercing the blackness of the sky, distant and making you feel insignificant and small. He is the father running toward the prodigal and commanding feasts and celebration over him.”

What to Expect When a Loved One Enters Hospice

Kathryn Butler explains what hospice care is and what we should expect when a loved one enters into it.

Five Things to Know About Panic Attacks

The struggles and suffering of those who experience panic attacks is real. This article explains some of the basics.

How to Write a Mission Policy for Your Church

This may be a helpful resource for your church—an explanation of how and why to write a mission policy. It includes a very good example of one.

Lessons Learned From a Wolf Attack

This is an in-depth look at how a wolf attacked a church and the tactics he used. It’s helpful reading for any church leader or member.

Flashback: Bring Her Out and Let Her Be Burned

We judge other people’s actions with the harshest of measures but treat our own with the softest. After all, we tend to grow fond of our sins, and especially those besetting sins. 

It is not as important to God that we understand his purposes in a particular providence as it is that we trust in his character.

—Jon Bloom

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