Delighting in Death? – This is a good question: “Why is it that the people most vocally committed to causes connected to death (abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia) are often the same who are committed to progressive sexual causes?”
Somebody Prayed for Me – You may enjoy reading this church planting update from Thabiti Anyabwile.
Three Cheers for Celibacy – Interesting: “Sometimes in the life of the church we need to reclaim a forgotten or dormant teaching. My sense is that now is such a time and that the teaching we need to dust off and put into practice is celibacy.”
Reparative Therapy – Denny Burk comments on why some Evangelicals have turned away from reparative therapy.
Being an Iceberg Pastor – “There is one rule that I think ought to underpin every pastor’s understanding of his calling, which is that he needs to be an iceberg.”
Faithfully Delivering the Gospel – “Christians are to simply be minimum wage table servers, taking the masterpiece from the award winning chef and bringing it to the tables.”