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A La Carte (April 16)

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Christianity Packs Its Office and Leaves the Building – This is a clever and insightful bit of writing. Jonathan Leeman imagines a public square without any Christianity.

5 Easter Errors – Here are 5 common errors to leave out of your Easter sermon.

Don’t Make My Funeral About Me – This is great stuff from Nancy Guthrie.

Music and Meaning – Harold Best has fascinating things to say about worship and music. In this article 9Marks asks him a few questions and he provides thought-provoking answers.

Christians Get Depressed Too – David Murray has now released 5 short films about Christians and depression.

Why Did Methuselah Live So Long? – “Anyone who’s ever played Bible trivia knows that Methuselah lived longer than anyone else. He died at the ripe old age of 969. But have you ever wondered why?” Read the article and you’ll find out.

IRS Gets Taxes, Jesus Gets My Heart – “Despite feeling a distinctly American inclination to don war paint and drop a few 1040 forms into the nearest harbor around this time of year, the vast majority of us will provide the government with the requested forms on or before the appointed date. And yet, other than avoiding the unpleasantness of penalties and prison, why should Christians pay their taxes? Or should they?”


The desire for even a good thing becomes a bad thing when that desire becomes a ruling thing.

—Paul Tripp

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