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A La Carte (April 15)

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Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include a selection of good titles from Crossway. Among them are some newer ones like Carl Trueman’s Crisis of Confidence and biographies of both Elisabeth Elliot and C.S. Lewis.

(Yesterday on the blog: Exactly the Purpose God Intended)

Eclipsed by Glory: My Personal Reflections on the 2024 Solar Eclipse

Here’s an enthusiastic and God-glorifying reflection on the recent solar eclipse. There are some great pictures, too. “I’ve had a few days to ponder the one minute and 53 seconds I experienced on April 8th, and I’d like to leave you with some of my personal takeaways.”

New Earth Books

Have you ever thought about the kinds of books we won’t need after Christ’s return? It’s a worthwhile thing to think about!

7 Questions That Teens Need to Answer

Paul Tripp offers seven questions that teenagers ought to consider and answer.

Was There Really No Death Before the Fall?

CMI considers whether it can possibly be true that there was no death before humanity’s fall into sin. “One of the great things about being part of a millennia-old faith is that the odds of asking a new question are very low, because people have been thinking about these things for thousands of years. And there are a few aspects to the pre-Fall world that may help in thinking through these questions.”

How to BE Humble Instead of LOOKING Humble

There is, indeed, a big difference between being humble and merely looking humble. Marli discusses them here. “Pride and humility are not personality traits. They’re character traits. There’s a difference. One is outward behavior, the other is the motivation behind the behavior.”

Anger, Retaliation, and My Scion xB

John writes about success and failure and accomplishments and his underpowered little car.

Flashback: We Murder Babies

In Canada, we murder babies. We don’t say it like that, of course, but it’s the horrifying truth behind what we term “abortion.”

Our Father is simply inclined to forgive. This distinguishes Him from all invented gods and from all of humanity. He is eager to forgive at the slightest hint that we acknowledge our sin and guilt.

—Ed Welch

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