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A La Carte (April 13)


Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of fairly minor deals. We’ll hope for better things tomorrow.

Christian Audio has the Heroes of History series on sale. These are short biographies of many key Christian figures.

My Jesus, I Love You; Your Bride I Despise!

“Professing love for Christ but little for the church makes about as much sense as saying you like me and want to spend time with me, but really can’t stand my wife and would prefer not to have her around. You can imagine the response you’d get if you invited me around for dinner, and then added, ‘but please leave Louise at home. We really want nothing to do with her. It’s only you we want to get to know. It’s only you we want to spend time with’.”

The Changing Global Religious Landscape

A recent study finds that by 2035 babies born to Muslims will begin to outnumber those born to professed Christians. Meanwhile, people with no religion will face a birth dearth.

4 Ways Satan Uses Christian Generosity for Evil

Being generous is good, but being wise with our generosity is even better.

Young People Also Need an Abundance of Counselors

“There are risks involved. We must take the necessary precautions as we encourage our young people to seek wisdom and help from others who can disciple them in ways we cannot as their parents. But the far greater risk is in leaving our teenagers isolated and disconnected.”

How Can a Christian Use the Imprecatory Psalms? (Video)

Dr. Miles Van Pelt tells how Christians can best make use of those tricky psalms.

Pastor, Don’t Waste Your Exclamation Points

“Pastor, our people don’t usually get excited about what we tell them to be excited about. Have you figured that out yet? Instead, they get excited about what they see actually excites us.”

‘Bible Answer Man’ Converts to Orthodoxy

CRI’s Hank Hanegraaff joined the Greek Orthodox Church on Palm Sunday. Christianity Today tells why. (Also, AiG explains how Eastern Orthodoxy is different.)

Flashback: The Bestsellers: Your Best Life Now

“Yes, Osteen talks about God throughout, but it is not the God of the Bible he has in mind. Osteen’s God is little more than the mechanism that gives the power to positive thinking.”

We are more sure to arise out of our graves than out of our beds.

—Thomas Watson

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