Today’s Kindle deals include nothing noteworthy. We’ve been so spoiled the past couple of days that it’s hard to complain. (But all those deals are still in effect.)
(Yesterday on the blog: T4G Kindle Book Extravaganza)
Challies en español
This is a reminder that my blog is also offered in Spanish. Articles are (professionally) translated and released there five days a week. We are also captioning many of the videos.
When Hot-Button Issues Cry Out to Young Pastors
This article as some sound advice for younger pastors as they navigate current issues. “Every generation sees hot-button issues. These are issues which often matter; issues that need to be addressed. They are issues which involve people made in God’s image. Pastors have pastoral mandates from God. God cares about real people and real issues, which is why he gives these pastors and their mandates. So, what are ways that pastors can keep caring amidst these throes?”
Ads for E-Cigarettes Today Hearken Back to the Banned Tricks of Big Tobacco
“A new ‘Joe Camel’-esque phenomenon may be igniting as the new fad takes a 21st-century page out of an old playbook.” That doesn’t sound good…
Are People Ultimately Good or Bad? (Video)
Are people ultimately good or bad? Dr. Stephen Wellum answers in the next episode of Honest Answers.
Mr. Zuckerberg Goes to Washington: 7 Observations and Thoughts
Chris Martin writes, “On Tuesday, Mark Zuckerberg began his two-day testimony before members of Congress. I had the hearing on in the background all afternoon as I worked on some other projects. (Note: I did not listen to all five hours of his testimony, so I surely missed some noteworthy discussion.) I thought it would be helpful to share some of my thoughts and observations from the hearing so far.”
Why This Lake is the Deadliest in the World (Video)
This video shows why one lake in Africa is the deadliest in the world.
Rediscovering the Lost Art of Lament
“How does God want us to deal with the great difficulties of life? Does he want us to ignore them, to get over them, to power through them, or to be crushed by them? No. He wants us to lament over them. That is the great lesson of a little-read passage in the Old Testament prophet, Micah.”
18 Observations about Nine Plagues
These are simple but interesting observations about nine plagues.
Flashback: Why We Need the Song of Songs
Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon if you prefer, must be one of the most controversial books in the whole Bible, and whether it is meant to be literal or allegorical (or both) is one of the great debates of every age. But what we must know and believe is that the book is a good gift of God and relevant for our day and every day.