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A La Carte (April 11)


Today’s Kindle deals include more deals than I’ve ever seen on a single day. So many, in fact, I’ve made a dedicated page for all of them.

Westminster Books has a big deal on John Piper’s newest book.

(Yesterday on the blog: What Made Paul Washer’s “Shocking Message” So Very Shocking?)

Together for the Gospel

The bi-annual Together for the Gospel conference begins today. Those who are not able to attend can watch the livestream at If you’re attending, read this short Twitter thread from Mike Cosper. You might also listen to On T4G and Celebrity Pastors.

If iPads Were Meant for Kids

Yes! And the same goes for most iDevices. “I bought my kids their own iPads last fall. I’m nice, and I’m fortunate to be able to afford it. However, I’ve come to realize that despite my attempts to spoil my kids, these iPads (and all iOS devices in general) are not meant for kids.”

Matt Merker Music

You’ve probably sung one or two of Matt Merker’s songs (like “He Will Hold Me Fast”). He’s got a new site with some great hymns that include videos, lead sheets, etc.

Fort Blunder

Oh America… “Construction of the fort began in 1816, and continued for two years when a survey conducted jointly by the United States and Great Britain discovered a problem—the fort was being built on the wrong side of the border. The actual border passed almost a mile south of the fort.” Oops.

The Power of Our Criticism

“When we criticize our brothers and sisters in Christ under the guise of insight, we pollute the Church. Consider these four characteristics of criticism…”

The Importance of Being “a Finisher”

I would probably ground this in love for others rather than the “finishing nature” of God. But still, the point stands: Finish what you start. (Except bad books–just throw them out and begin a better one. And other things that just aren’t working; it’s sometimes okay to quit. Anyway, just read the article.)

“The Pleasure of Boredom”

“Boredom has been described as one of the major spiritual problems of our time. The hyper-stimulation that comes from our technology and our constant-entertainment mentality actually makes us more bored, since we become jaded and weary of it all, as stimulation eventually fails to stimulate.”

Historic News from Midwestern Seminary

If you keep up with these things, you’ll be interested in this news from Midwestern Seminary.

Bill Hybels Resigns from Willow Creek

Also in the realm of church news, megachurch pastor (and church growth movement founder) Bill Hybels has resigned from Willow Creek after a series of accusations about misconduct over the years. He maintains his innocence.

Flashback: 10 Ugly Numbers Describing Pornography Use in 2017

These numbers prove statistically what we already known anecdotally—that pornography is a significant issue afflicting our society and our church. As Christians we can and must be prepared to help those who are struggling with it and to assure them that they can be forgiven and freed. As parents we can and must take action to protect and equip our children so we can help them overcome and avoid it.

Don’t ever degenerate into giving advice unconnected to the good news of Jesus crucified, alive, present, at work and returning.

—David Powlison

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