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A La Carte (April 11)

Today’s Kindle deals include several noteworthy books, including one for families that is free for a day or two.

You Can’t Give In

Sports Illustrated has a powerful article on Monty Williams. “He looked around the room but his only audience was his five children. He needed to show the way. ‘This is hard for my family, but this will work out,’ he continued. ‘And my wife would punch me if I were to sit up here and whine about what’s going on. That doesn’t take away the pain. But it will work out because God causes all things to work out. You just can’t quit.’ He paused, looked around. ‘You can’t give in.’”

The Phone Is Too Much With Us

Here’s a thought-provoking little poem in the style of Wordsworth.

Mavis Beacon Isn’t Real (Video)

I thoroughly enjoyed this review of the original version of Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. Also, Mavis Beacon wasn’t a real person.

Do Modern Church Plants Focus too Much on the City?

“One of the notable features of this new church planting movement is the near exclusive focus on planting churches in cities. Most church planters, it seems, want to go urban and not rural.” But does that reflect the reality of the early church?

The Importance of Regenerate Church Membership

“What would you say if your neighbor asked you ‘What makes a Baptist church different or distinctive?’ Most Southern Baptists would likely begin by explaining that Baptist churches administer baptism exclusively on the basis of personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. This, I believe, is a perfect place to begin, but we could rightly take one step further.”

What’s the Farthest Away Place You Can Ever Get To? (Video)

The middle of an ocean, probably.

God Died on the Cross

Is it right to say “God died on the cross?” Fred Sanders answers well.

What Would Jesus Disrupt?

Bloomberg reports on a church that was founded to be essentially a business. “Named the fastest-growing church in America in 2015, Crossroads has been described by the Cincinnati Business Courier as both an entrepreneurial church and a church for entrepreneurs.” Just when I thought I had seen it all…

Flashback: I Wish I Was Rich

How are you using the wealth God has already given you? If you aren’t being generous today with modest wealth there is no reason to think you would be generous tomorrow with abundant wealth.

Knowing God is your single greatest privilege as a Christian.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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