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A La Carte (April 10)


If we were not in a time of pandemic, I’d be heading south today to spend Easter weekend with my family! The thought of it makes me wonder how much longer it will be before anything like normal travel resumes.

Today’s Kindle deals are rather diverse, crossing a number of different genres and authors (Stott, Mohler, Reeves, etc).

Healing and Hope

Sophia Lee reports on three families that have had (or are having) experiences with COVID-19. She finds hope.

Don’t Forget To Remember

You’ll enjoy benefit from this special coronavirus message from Steve Brown.

A Strong Conscience or Immaturity?

This is a good article and a strong challenge from Sam Parkison. “Maybe we’re fooling ourselves with all our talk of exegeting the culture. Maybe what’s really happening is not cultural engagement, but just good ‘ol fashioned cultural assimilation. Maybe we’re not thinking about running our race with intensity because we are entangled by unnecessary weight (Heb 12:1). Maybe a dogged desire to please the Lord with a critical economy of time isn’t works-righteousness, but simple worshipful adoration. Maybe an insatiable thirst for Christ will create an earnestness that compels us to consume entertainment differently.”

100 Days that Changed the World

If this whole coronavirus situation has seemed to come about very quickly, that’s because it has. The Guardian covers some key moments, saying “It started with a warning. It turned into a pandemic that has transformed life as we know it.” (See also Here’s Why So Many Planes Are Still Flying, Nearly Empty.)

We’re All Children Now

Jeremy Pierre writes about a recent tragedy in his family. “The day had started as a standard Tuesday morning. The whole family had started up the weekday machine, seven people working around each other to get everyone clothed, fed, packed, and out the door. Five kids to school, two parents to work, and one dog to the crate. I was in the bedroom when an unfamiliar screech made all of us freeze…”

Whether Hydroxycholoroquine Works Is Not About Trump

This article speaks to a specific situation–President Trump’s advocacy for hydroxycholoroquine—but more generally it pertains to far more. “What’s your opinion on the use of hydroxycholoroquine to treat coronavirus infection? What’s your opinion of Donald Trump? Far too many people are letting their answer to the second question decide the first.”

Appetites & Legacies: Making His Commandments Mine

I enjoyed Abi’s telling of her life through the different Bibles she has owned.

Flashback: What Made Paul Washer’s “Shocking Message” So Very Shocking?

Washer’s passion didn’t come from anger or vengeance, but from love. He wanted to challenge them, he wanted to challenge their worldliness, he wanted to challenge their dead faith. He wanted to bring them face to face with the holiness of God and the reality of sin.

If we want proof of God’s love for us, then we must look first at the Cross where God offered up His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. Calvary is the one objective, absolute, irrefutable proof of God’s love for us.

—Jerry Bridges

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