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A La Carte (April 10)

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Twenty-Two Years – Here’s another strong article from Greg Lucas: “My son turns twenty-two tomorrow, and his mom and I will grieve—deeply, silently, secretly, and personally.”

Help Us Make Indelible Grace 7 – “A new Indelible Grace project is underway. Old hymns set to new music. Join us on the journey to record our new project.”

Naive Young Evangelicals and the Illiberal DNA of the Gay Rights Movement – Block off a few minutes, pour yourself a coffee, and read this one. They payoff is at the end.

Fear in the Cockpit – “The tragic plane crash in Taipei was the result of mechanical and psychological failures.” This article is quite interesting and very useful for illustrations. (The closing line is dumb, unfortunately.)

No Babies Please – It’s amazing to see what is happening in parts of Europe where the birth rate has completely collapsed. In a similar vein, here’s what the world’s religious population may look like in 2050.


We cannot embrace the doctrines of grace without embracing the disciplines of grace.

—Curtis Woods

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