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A La Carte (April 1)

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Ministering to the Sexually Broken – This month’s interview in Tabletalk magazine is with John Freeman of Harvest USA and deals with ministering to the sexually broken.

How Autism Can Land You a Job – WSJ reports that some employers increasingly are viewing autism as an asset and not a deficiency in the workplace.

Cruciform’s Easter Sale – Cruciform Press has two short, inspiring books that can help you meditate on the glorious salvation secured by our resurrected Savior. Use them for pre-Easter reading or to give to others for outreach. You may also be interested in Redeeming Church Conflict by Tara Barthel & Dan Edling which is just $6.98 at Amazon.

The Love Life of John Knox – “It isn’t often that someone in the rough and tumble of ministry in Reformation Scotland would even think of finding a wife. But our Presbyterian founder, John Knox himself, found in God’s providence, two wives who were willing to take his life as their own.”

Cutting to the Heart of Self-Injury – I find cutting and other forms of self-injury one of the most perplexing practices. This article deals with it well.

Sleep Your Way to Success – As a chronic insomniac, this one hurts a bit. But David’s right: “it’s not just sleep your way to success, but sleep your way to health, strength, and happiness.”


He whose head is in heaven need not fear to put his feet into the grave.

—Matthew Henry

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