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A La Carte (9/9)

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Attention Span – This is a very interesting and significant blog post. shares how information flows today via social media. When I link this post on Twitter and Facebook, it will receive the majority of the clicks in the first 2.8 hours. After that it will be lost in all the Internet noise. No wonder we feel the need to check in constantly.

$5 Friday – You’ll want to check out this week’s edition of Ligonier’s $5 Friday. They’re offering one of my favorite books by R.C. Sproul–The Truth of the Cross–for just $5. It’s a great one to give as a gift or to save and give away around Easter. The deal is valid for 24 hours beginning at 8 AM EST. Stock up!

The Full Picture – This article points out a couple of big oversights from all the 9/11 memorials. “How is it possible that the critical element of the day known as 9/11 — that it was a deliberate attack by Islamic death stars upon civilians living in one of the most vibrant and diverse democracies in the world — and the single most important people, the city’s beloved firefighters, have been forgotten, or if not quite that, then elbowed aside, in modern parlance, marginalized? How can that possibly have happened?”

Getting the Most Out of Preaching – Nancy Leigh DeMoss offers counsel on how to get the most out of your pastor’s sermon.

Nursing Mothers Training Pastors – In this blog post David Murray suggests that one of the best seminary classes a pastor or trainee pastor could attend is to spend time with a nursing mother. While that may be overstating it a wee bit, I quite enjoyed the way he drew the connection between Paul and nursing mothers.

1 Donor, 150 Offspring – Here is a strange moral conundrum that comes with the modern world.

Keller and the Exclusivity of Christ – I believe the guys at Cripplegate are right to respectfully question Tim Keller on his recent interview with Martin Bashir. “My goal is twofold: (1) I want to respectfully—and hopefully, humbly—voice some serious concerns with how Keller handled this question; and (2) I want to demonstrate the unhelpfulness of how some of his defenders are responding.”

Beware of no man more than of yourself; we carry our worst enemies within us.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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