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A La Carte (9/9)

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Tuesday September 9, 2008

Bachelor Dads
“Like the women two decades ago who decided to become mothers on their own — sparking a redefinition of family, not to mention a culture war — single men, gay and straight, hear the ticking biological clock. And they are moving beyond looking for Ms. or Mr. Right. Now, with fertility technology or adoption, the men are becoming single fathers.”

10 Free Dates Your Wife Will Love
“I have found that creativity is often the source of the most fun and it doesn’t cost a thing! On the other hand you can often spend a lot of money doing the same-old-thing and not have any fun. These are a few ideas that have worked for us.”

Fusing Politics and Motherhood
The Times reports on how Sarah Palin fuses motherhood and politics (right down to nursing her baby while participating in conference calls).

The Politics of Pronouns
Paper Cuts writes about some of the more egregious abuse of pronouns in this political campaign. “Barack Obama is right: if John McCain comes out on top in November, it will be more of the same. For almost eight years we’ve had a president who pronounces ‘nuclear’ the way Homer Simpson does; if the Republicans win, we’ll have a president who rails against ‘Warshington’ and a vice president who rails against ‘the pundints.’”

Whatever Happened to Modesty?
Michael Hyatt asks the question. “Where are these girls fathers? Has anyone ever taught them the concept of modesty? Or have all the men in their lives simply exploited them as sex objects”

People Who Live Without TV
Between 1 and 2 percent of Americans live without TV and they fall into two broad (and entirely opposite) categories. “A recent study of those who live without found that about two-thirds fall into either the ‘crunchy granola set’ or the ‘religious right, ultraconservative’ camp.”

Beware the Pendulum
Julian has some wise counsel. “It seems that in theology, as in the rest of life, we’re constantly riding a pendulum. The more we run from doctrinal error that we see in others, the more likely we are to fall into the opposite error ourselves.”

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